
Our services for Hotel and resort Owners:
Selling, Leasing, and Management Agreementss

As a hotel owner, you have several strategic options to consider when managing your property. These options can significantly impact your investment, involvement, and long-term goals. Here, we outline the possibilities available to you:

Selling Your Hotel

Selling your hotel involves transferring ownership and control of the property to a new owner or investor.

What does this mean?
You will transfer ownership of the specified assets outlined in the contract in exchange for a predetermined financial sum.

What we do for you:
1. Find a suitable buyer or investor interested in acquiring your hotel and ensure all NDAs are signed – we propose your hotel to investment funds, family offices, independent buyers, and corporate hotel brands.
2. Organise viewings of the property ensuring discretion and confidentiality throughout the process.
3. Negotiating the sale price and terms
4. Connect you to legal and financial services to ensure a smooth transition.

Leasing or Renting Your Hotel

Leasing or renting your hotel involves retaining ownership of the property while leasing it to a third-party operator or management company.

What does this mean?
1. Maintaining legal ownership of the property and possibly overseeing maintenance and capital expenditures.
2. Transitioning day-to-day operational responsibilities to the operator.
3. A yearly rental income for you.
4. The contracts usually last a minimum of 12 years.
5. A lease agreement could mean the changing of your hotel brand and name, to a large international brand such as Hilton, Accor, Marriott, etc.

What we do:
1. Identifying a reputable operator interested in leasing your hotel and ensuring all NDAs are signed – we only propose these projects to trusted and large management companies who have many years and many different projects under management.
2. Organise viewings of the property ensuring discretion and confidentiality throughout the process.
3. Mediate between legal teams to help draft a lease agreement specifying terms, including rent, revenue sharing, and lease duration.

Management Agreements

A management agreement involves hiring a professional management company to operate your hotel while retaining ownership.

What does this mean?
1. Allowing the management company to oversee daily operations, including staffing, guest services, and marketing.
2. Rent is usually not paid, rather you would be compensated by the profit-sharing agreement outlined in the contract
3. Maintaining ownership control and decision-making authority over major aspects such as capital investments and branding.
4.A management agreement could mean the changing of your hotel brand, to a large international brand such as Hilton, Accor, Marriott, etc.

What we do:
1. We find you a trusted, experienced, and qualified management company with expertise in hotel operations, we ensure all NDAs are signed.
2. Organise viewings of the property ensuring discretion and confidentiality throughout the process.
3. We negotiate a management agreement, outlining responsibilities, fees, and performance expectations.


Each of these options presents unique opportunities and considerations. Your choice will depend on your financial goals, the level of involvement desired, and long-term objectives for your hotel investment. It’s essential to consult with experienced advisors and explore these options thoroughly to make an informed decision that aligns with your unique circumstances and goals. Our team is here to assist you in navigating these choices and optimizing the potential of your hotel property.

For more information and personalized guidance, please feel free to reach out to our team of experts at contact@hotelbrokeritaly.com

Do You Know Someone Eager to Sell Their Hotel? Earn a Financial Reward!
At hotelbrokeritaly.com we are actively seeking collaborations with respected hospitality consultants who can facilitate introductions to hotel owners eager to sell their properties.

We offer a financial incentive for every successful deal facilitated by an introduction to a hotel owner eager to sell their property. This mutually beneficial partnership ensures that our consultants are not only integral in expanding our network but also rewarded for their contributions to our shared success.

For details please email valentina.c@hotelbrokeritaly.com